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Consumer Satisfaction At Hilton Metropole London

Consumer Satisfaction At Hilton Metropole London


The economy of UK has obtained rich hotel industry which is one of the important components of hospitality industry. The industry is largely consisted of small, large and medium enterprises that make provision of accommodation along with meals and drinks at available in outstanding venues. Hotel London Metro pole is one of the important enterprises in this industry and serve a huge population including both visitors from UK as well as international countries.The paper aims to preset a case study conducted upon the mentioned hotel in central London in order to capture the trend of consumers spending.

Organizational background

This organization Hilton London Metro pole Hotel and Resort is one of famous hospitality service provider of United Kingdom. This is a 4–star hotel of London that is located in the central London. It has established in the year of 1999.

Aim and objectives of the study

One of the crucial components of any research work is its objective that lay the foundation of the research and following discussion. This research is also attempted after identifying its broader objective underlying. These are:

  • To understand the different levels of customers satisfaction of Hilton London Metropole hotel
  • To analysis the customer behaviour of Hilton London Metropole hotel in a monthly basis
  • To evaluate the customers satisfaction and the facing objective by the Hilton hotel employees and staffs
  • To detect the impact of consumers preference upon the business and growth of Hilton London Metropole

Importance of the study

The importance of this study is because consumers’ spending largely depends upon the taste and preferences of them that helps in building the perception that further shapes the purchase decision. The central theme of the paper is to assess the satisfaction level of customers as one of the important factor of growth and development in business of the industry.

Literature Review

In modern world of growing commercialization and consumerism, role of consumers’ taste and preference is immense in shaping their demand. The demand made by the consumers get added and further build the market demand. The market demand commits interplay with the market supply and brings forth a market with equilibrium price and quantity. Any deviation from that signals the prevailing instability in the market and any positive shock derived internally or externally can accelerate the market outcome. Hence the role of customers’ taste and preference are immense. The taste and preference factor is well captured through their satisfaction level. It is the satisfaction of them that helps in consolidating the loyalty of the customers toward a certain service provider. The customer loyalty strengthens the customer base that in turn reflects into the growth of the industry as a whole. According to (Zhang et al. 2014), establishes in his study about the importance of responses and reviews made by the consumers upon the services provided by hotel and performance of their management. A panel data analysis has been conducted to capture the satisfaction level or existent grievances of the consumers on the basis of recording reviews from the groups of customers, Almost 900 hotels have been covered under the analysis and the consumers responses are derived online in the website that deals with reviewing of hotels. The satisfaction of the customers was rated on the basis of few parameters including location, service quality alacrity of management, purchase value, rating for the attributes, variation in the service. All of these capture the performance of the hotel as a whole upon which its rating is dependent. He states that there exists a positive relationship or association between performance of the hotel and reviews made by the consumers. These reviews are analyzed and assesses in terms of company growth. Leveraging of hotel business is importantly linked with the implications that customers experiences and responses exert on the management.

Hotel industry is strongly associated with tourism and travel sector of the country. Needless to say UK is one of the important globaldestinations as it attracts millions of visitors from all around the world. The greater the expansion and activeness in tourism industry, higher Is the demand for hotels and associated services (Horner and Swarbrooke 2016). But the experiences received by the customers also determines whether they are going to further take services from some hotel or not which as a whole defines the business strategy of the hotels as well.In the opinion of (Ali & Amin 2014), the environment of hotel pertaining to physical aspect has got immense impact upon the level of emotion. It is also influential over satisfaction absorbed by the consumers. Higher perception of the customers regarding physical environment of the hotels influences them to have positive emotions that further increases the behavioural intention as well as enhances the satisfaction quotient. As per their research study, any hotel can elicit positive emotion among the customers by paying attention to the quality of service provided to them through up-gradation. Moreover maintenance of good relationship with the customer helps in evoking satisfaction that further reflects into promotion of the business (Kandampullyn et al. 2015).


The research work is broadly consisted of methodology that helps in executing the research purpose or aim in line of the research outline. Research work in this paper is inseparable from the underlying methodology that materializes the structure of the paper.

Research onion

The research gives precise idea about the research designing and planning. Three total selection process of the research project comes under this part.

Research philosophy

The research has an important philosophy at the backdrop pertaining to positivism. It implies facts are established based upon analysis of real world practices (Horner and Swarbrooke 2016).

Research approach

Research approach of the paper delivers the underlying tone of the paper. The research follows deductive approach which focuses upon collecting data and information from various sources and sums them up before starting the study. At the end of the research work one conclusive point is derived from the analysis of multiple data sources. It is worth noting that the research consists of both qualitative and qualitative approach in its methodology. The quantitative analysis helps in developing and consolidating positivism whereas the qualitative analysis enlightens the problems and prospects underlying the topic.

Sources of data collection

A quantitative research work definitely has data analysis as core component in the research specification and methodology. Data analysis helps in assessing the research topic while quantifying the fact and helping us to reach a conclusive point. Data collection is important and basic component in the process of data analysis. The research work is built upon both qualitative and quantitative information. These further demark the sources where from they are obtained. Authentic source of qualitative data is primary data which has been used in this project. Moreover huge secondary data has been applied in the study as one of the important source of quantitative data.Online questionnaires help to record the responses. Customer feedback of the residents in hotel is also dynamic way to capture accurate picture prevailing in the hotel service. Based upon the responses turning up, an assessment has been conducted in the data analysis. Secondary data is collected from website of the hotel, various websites capturing customer reviews, annual feedback report of the consumers and rating sites of UK hospitality industry.

Sample Size

Reality is constitutive of huge set of data which cannot be captured totally within any research work. Rather a concise set of data is selected from the population data without losing its authenticity, reliability and accuracy. Otherwise it might pose threat of biased and inaccurate result. Annually the turn ups at Hilton London hotel are huge crossing almost million people. Out of that 1000 people have been studied to assess their level of satisfaction with the hotel. 5000 questionnaires shave been sent to the people asking for to fill it up and out of the responses 1000 have been selected for studying the research aim. This helps in bringing forth the shorter data set that is the desired sample in this analysis. Convenient sampling technique has been applied here pertaining to mostly random sampling procedures.

Resultsand Outcome

Theresult obtained from statistical as well as intuitional analysis of datahelps us identify the major correlation between level of customer satisfaction and performance of the service providing hotels. Greater perception of the customers is derived from quality provided to them and this in further determines the future trend of their visit and spending upon its services (Horner and Swarbrooke 2016).

Conclusions and recommendations

The above study takes our attention to one of the important aspect of consumer behaviour influencing business of UK hospitality industry. The research including quantitative and qualitative analysis reveals the importance of consumers’ reviews and experiences in shaping the future of the industry and the economy as a whole. Growing consumption spending upon hotel like Hilton London can be possible only if customers are served well and kept good relationship with.


In this research proposal; the limitations of this research can be easily identify. For that instance, different recommendations are being listed below:

  • The research objects should be shorter in nature to specify the topic into one single aspect
  • The interviewing process should also be included as e research technique for the better understanding
  • In Addition to that, the core area of the research should be more information base than statistical or numeric. The qualitative research process should be introduced.


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