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Action research project: School fruit and vegetables scheme

Research Topic


Action research is appropriate for conducting in-depth analysis and community-based study in order to improve the condition and practice in a range of health care environment. The researchers and the practitioners conduct systematic enquiries through survey or interview in order to improve their own practice as well as enhance the working practice and environments for the clients, patients or the service users (Bere et al., 2015). Through action research, it is possible for the researcher to design the studies and conduct in appropriate analysis after collecting data and influence the existing practice for making substantial change in the current system and practice (Hutchinson et al., 2015). The research project is related to the School fruit and vegetables scheme through which it is possible for the researcher to develop appropriate practice and environment where the children themselves can choose the food and fruit according to their preferences. Through this action research, it is easy for the researcher to conduct proper research and analysis through collecting data, related to the School fruit and vegetables scheme in the schools and other educational institutions, which in turn provides a scope to the researcher to develop appropriate practice of choosing a suitable fruits and food including vegetables as per the student’s preferences and requirements (Methner, Maschkowski, and Hartmann, 2017). in this context, the action research helps to analyse the current situation and environment as well as existing practice and develop appropriate planning for creating change in the existing system so that it is helpful for the service users where the users can utilise the changed approach in a systematic manner (Hutchinson et al., 2015).

The action research is hereby important for the researcher to conduct in-depth study related to the above-mentioned research topic which is school fruit and vegetables scheme where the practitioners or the researcher can develop appropriate measures or systematic approach for empowering the students in the decision-making practice in the educational institutions (Hutchinson et al., 2015). The school fruit and vegetables scheme are already implemented in different school where the school authority provides proper fruits and vegetables to the students so that the students are concerned about healthy eating habits (Micha et al., 2018). However, the researcher in this context focuses on improving the systematic approach of the school fruit and vegetables scheme at the schools where the students can have the opportunity to choose the suitable fruits and vegetable as per their taste and preferences. The researchers aim at developing appropriate practice at the schools where the school authorities can provide the scope of choosing the suitable food and vegetables to the students by providing them a variety of options. This is the aim of the study, where the researchers focus on analysing the collected information related to the present environment and current systematic approach of the school fruit and vegetables scheme and develop changes for empowering the students in the decision-making practice where they can choose and make effective decision of consuming the fruits and vegetables as per their taste and preferences (Hass, and Hartmann, 2018).

The study is hereby important for changing the current systematic approach and environment of the school fruit and vegetables scheme towards more student centric approach where the students can have better options for consuming fruits and vegetable as per their choices and preferences. There are many students, who are asking for alternative options available for their snacks at the school, but the school authority fails to provide them a huge variety of options (Castllanos, 2017). The study is effective in this context, where the researcher aims at changing the current approach where the students can choose suitable fruits and vegetables among a variety of options, provided by the school authority rather than missing the opportunity of having snacks (NHS, 2018a). Hereby, school fruit and vegetables scheme is important to be changed for making sure that the students can eat 5 portions of fruits or vegetable as it is evident that in England, the students are only having 3 portions of fruits and vegetables and thus through school fruit and vegetables scheme, it is possible to improve changes and motivate the students to eat fruits and vegetable properly according to tehri choices and preferences (NHS, 2018a).

Review of the evidence related to the research topic

Nation health Service (NHS), British Nutrition Foundation and government body implemented the target of increasing the consumption of healthy fruits and vegetable in the early years so that the children can get better environment and imporve the habit of healthy eating (Hector et al., 2018). A good early education is necessary for the children where they understand the necessity of eating healthy fruits and vegetable which are beneficial for their brain and physical development. Balanced food during the day and getting healthy are necessary for child care and the development of the child. Proper education to the child regarding the benefits of eating fruits and vegetable increases awareness among the children as well as among the parents where it is possible to imporve healthy eating habit among the children and the parents also (Methner, Maschkowski, and Hartmann, 2017). Improved mood and more energy to enjoy their day are the main benefits where through consuming the fruits and vegetables, the children can get energy to play and learn (Hector et al., 2018). Additionally, healthy eating habit is effective for improved sleep and weight control and apart from that, eating fruits and vegetable reduce the risk of developing diseases. String and healthy bones and increasing self-confidence as well as positive body image are also other advantages of healthy eating habit where the government target to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables among the children (Bere et al., 2015). Nutrition is one of the main factors in the child care development where healthy fruits and vegetables are effective for child’s health and wellbeing and it has positive impacts on brain development and education of the child (Lucas et al., 2017). Therefore, it is necessary for the NHS and the government of the country to take positive initiative to raise awareness of healthy eating through increasing the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetable at the early years (Lucas et al., 2017).

It is necessary for the school authority, parents and the teaching staff to raise concern among the children about the practice healthy eating so that they can understand the benefits of eating heathy and fresh fruits and vegetables (Aarestrup et al., 2015). Eating fruits and vegetable are important for the children as these are the medium of vitamin and protein in the body and it provides a scope to the children to focus and stay alert in their entire day (Roccaldo et al., 2017). Eating proper fruits and vegetable are effective for the children to improve tehri digestion system and immune system as well through which it is possible to improve the physical development of the child (Hutchinson et al., 2015). Developing sharp memory and prevent the diseases in the body are also the benefits of eating healthy and fresh foods (Lucas et al., 2017). Raising concern among the parents and the children about the practice healthy eating are helpful in this context to increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetable which are the source of energy among the children where they can concentrate in their daily activities efficiently (Hass, and Hartmann, 2018). Mind development and development of the brain are other advantages for which the child must eat fresh fruits and vegetables (Hass, and Hartmann, 2018). There are other benefits of also such as getting good night sleep, improved memory and health condition of the children as well as strong bones, teeth and better mood and for these benefits (Lucas et al., 2017). The children must eat the fruits and vegetables so that they can get proper protein, carbohydrate and vitamin from the fruits and vegetables. Through healthy eating habit, the children can have fresh mood and focus on their daily activities like plying and earning as well as they get better brain and sharp memory which will be helpful for them in near future (Hass, and Hartmann, 2018). Therefore, the awareness of eating fresh fruit and vegetables is necessary to be raised among the children and also the parents sop that the children can get better environment to make effective practice of healthy diet and consume more fruits and vegetable for their future development (Micha et al., 2018).

Scuderi, Sturiale, and Timpanaro (2016) stated that, the government as well as departments of health and education take active initiative to raise concern among the parents to provide appropriate information about the necessities of heathy eating habit and in this regard the authorities try to be cooperative with the parents and make them understandable about the practice of healthy eating so that the children can learn to consume more fruits and vegetable which are necessary for successful child care development (Afshin et al., 2015). Hereby, it is necessary for the parents to make habit of healthy eating and imporve the practice of eating more fruits and vegetable among the children. In this regard, the government take proper initiatives of providing fruits and vegetables to the children at the early year schools freely where the children can learn to consume the fresh fruits and vegetable which are beneficial for their brain development (Scuderi, Sturiale, and Timpanaro, 2016). It is one of the cooperative practice and it is the responsibilities of the partners in the child care development where the partners are sch as government body, educational policy makers, school authorities, teaching staff, child psychologist, child care practitioners, and parents who need to be collaborative for making effective child care development plan where they need to provide proper information to the children regarding the practice of heathy eating and its benefit so that it is easy to motivate the children to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables according to their choices and preferences (Wolnicka et al., 2015). The state funded schools in England take the initiatives as well to provide healthy meals, fruits and vegetables to the children freely so that the habit of eating fruits and vegetable can be improved among the children. Hereby, the government take positive initiatives for raising awareness among the parents regarding the practice healthy eating where they can motivate and convince the children for eating more fruits and vegetables (Castllanos, 2017).

According to NHS (2018c), the NHS in England also encourage the parents to provide proper information to their children about healthy eating and physical activities so that they can motivate the children as well for eating fruits and vegetables. The NHS foundation creates short videos for the parent about healthy diet so that the awareness among the parents can be raised and the parents are also encouraged to provide healthy diet to their children (NHS, 2018a). Apart from that, the text message sent to the parents around the country are also effective way for increasing awareness about healthy diet where the content of the message is related to the food options available for their children which are full of vitamins, protein and carbohydrate which are necessary for child care development (NHS, 2018a). As described by NHS (2018a), through the message by the NHS foundation, it is also easy to understand the benefits of healthy diet among the children at early year stages and the parents can choose the right meal and fruits as well as vegetables for their children so that it is easy to maximise the practice of healthy diet among the children. During 2010 and 2015, the NHS foundation recruits a huge numbers of health visitors and trained staff who are taking care of the children at the schools at their early years and the staff are also responsible for providing appropriate information to the parents where the parents can able healthy diet to their children after getting proper information about the practice of healthy eating (NHS, 2018b). The initiatives taken by both the government body and NHS foundation are hereby beneficial for the school authorities, parents and child care staff to encourage the children for eating more fresh fruits and vegetable and raises concerns among the children about the practice of healthy eating habit through providing messages related to the importance of fruits and vegetables for their brain and physical development (NHS, 2018c).

The policies such as The Nutrient Regulations 2018, Restricting promotions of food and drink that is high fat, sugar and salt, UK Nutrient Profiling model 2018, Childhood Obesity Plan, The Child Care Cat 1991, The Child Care Regulations 2006, Food Safety Authority and Food and Nutrition Guidelines for preschool, health promotion unit and the department of health are effective in the society for developing the practice of healthy eating habit among the children where the parents and other partners in the child care development such as teaching staff, school authorities, child psychologists and other care givers are cooperating with each other and sharing the practice of healthy eating for increasing the habit of consuming fruits and vegetables among the children (Albani et al., 2017). In England, the teaching authorities in different schools provide free piece of fruits and fresh vegetables to the children for improving their practice of eating fruit and vegetables and increase awareness among the children about the importance of eating healthy vegetables ad fresh fruits (Mittmann, Austel, and Ellrott, 2016). As per Vygotsky: zone of proximal development, it is the zone of cooperative learning where the teaching staff, parents and child care developers need to be collaborative and communicate with each other for developing effective child care development plan where the inclusion of healthy diet for the children is beneficial for the successful child care development (Vereecken et al., 2015). As per the Maslow’s hierarchy needs, it is the basic needs of the children to get better food and shelter, fresh water and air for improving the wellbeing of the children that in turn helps to enhance healthy mid and eating. Hereby, through healthy eating habit, increasing t6eh consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, the parents and teaching professionals can motivate the children to eat more fruits and vegetables which are beneficial for their brain and physical development (Department of health and education, 2014).

Research design

Research design is effective for the researcher to choose appropriate technique and methods for collecting the relevant and valid data and information related to the research topic so that it is easy for the researcher to analyse the collected data and information for meeting the research aim (Lewis, 2015; Kratochwill, 2015). The researcher focuses on collecting data and information related to the children’s taste and preferences for healthy eating habits and the choice and preferences of the children for eating fruits and vegetables. In this regard, the researcher tris to communicate with the teaching staff at the school for having in depth communication about the school fruit and vegetables scheme and the change process in the scheme for the benefits of the children. The teaching staff discussed that, it is beneficial for the researcher to develop appropriate presentation for the students through which they can get proper information about the benefits of healthy eating and choose the fruits and vegetable which are important for the nutrient for the children. Hereby, the researcher develops the presentation at the class through which it is possible to share proper knowledge and information about healthy eating where the students can understand their habits of healthy eating and its benefits for their physical and mental development.

The presentation will be helpful for the students to generate ideas about healthy eating and they also can share this information with their parents which provides a scope to the children to choose appropriate fruits and vegetables for their brain development. As per the conversation with the teacher, the researcher tries to develop a questionnaire for the children so that the students can tick the right fruits and vegetables according to their taste and preferences. In this regard, the researcher develops questionnaire with proper picture of the fruits or the vegetable where the students can make proper choice as per their preferences. This is less time-consuming technique for the researcher to collect relevant and valid data and information about the students and their preferences of healthy eating and the collected information will provide an opportunity to the researcher to develop the changes in the school fruit and vegetables scheme successfully. The researcher also tries to carry out different fruits and vegetables for the students for that day so that they can taste the fruits and vegetables available on that day and choose the right fruits and vegetables according to their taste and preferences. This further influence them to choose the healthy food for their brain development in future.

The varieties of fruits and vegetables are available in the options of the questionnaire which will be helpful for the students to choose one as per their choices and preferences. The observation is conducting since October, and the researcher focuses on the choices and preferences of the students so that the school authority can imporve the school fruit and vegetables scheme through changes in the availability of the fruits and vegetable for the healthy eating habit of the students at the school (Smith, 2015). Hereby, both the presentation and the questionnaire are helpful for the researcher to create awareness about the healthy eating habits among the children at the school and empower them in choosing the suitable fruits and vegetable as per their choices and preferences so that it is possible to make changes in the school fruit and vegetables scheme which is the main aim of this research paper.

Ethical responsibilities of the research

The British Educational Research Association (BERA) is the home of educational research in the United Kingdom and has three main aims; to build research capacity, foster research engagement and advance research quality. BERA protects members, staff, volunteers and other individuals or organisations from the consequences of any breaches within the organisation. Ethical responsibilities are necessary to be managed for conducting the research efficiently without any ethical issues and in this research also, the researcher follows the ethical principles of doing the study properly (Smith, 2015; Denzin, and Giardina, 2016). The researcher tries to maintain the responsibilities towards the educational researchers, participants in this research and general public also so that it is possible for the researcher to progress in the research paper properly and complete it without any ethical errors. In addition to these, showing respect and integrity and honesty is necessary to conduct the research efficiently (British Educational Research Association, 2013). In this regard, the researcher shows integrity and honesty and respect the participants for taking part of the research so that the researcher can collect the relevant and valid data and information which are necessary for conducting in depth analysis off the above-mentioned research topic (British Educational Research Association, 2018). The researcher focuses on the participants who are the students and the teaching staff of the school. First of all, the researcher communicates with the teacher and ensure that the collected information is utilised only for this academic research not for others. The researcher also ensures the teaching professional that the collected information is advantageous for accepting and leading the changes in the school fruit and vegetables scheme which is the main aim of this research.

Respecting the teaching staff and the children at the school helps the researcher to develop communication and build strong relationship with all of them so that the researcher can conduct the research with proper cooperation with the teaching staff and the children (British Educational Research Association, 2018). This activity is also beneficial for the researcher to collect relevant data and information related to the school fruit and vegetables scheme at the school. Additionally, the researcher encourages the children and convince them to participate in the survey so that the children can choose the right fruits and vegetables as per their preferences rather than forcing them to take active part in the survey. through playing with the kids and convincing them to choose the suitable fruits and vegetable through giving them the pictures of the fruits and vegetable, it is possible to convince the children to express their preferences towards consuming the fruits and vegetable as per tehri taste ad choices. On the other hand, Data Protection Act 2018 is also another necessary ethical principle of conducting the academic research ethically and, in this study, the researcher also ensures that Data protection Act is executed during the research and ensures the teaching professionals of the school that the collected data and information are kept safely and secured with computerised system (Morse, 2016; British Educational Research Association, 2018).

Moreover, the researcher also ensures that, the information give to the participants including the teaching professionals and the children are true and the teaching staff and children can rely on the fact that the collected information are useful for leading changes in the school fruit and vegetables scheme where the teaching professionals and children are the beneficiaries for such school fruit and vegetables scheme. Safety and security of the children are also managed by the researcher where the researcher interact with each of the children and tries to collect proper information about their preferences to consume the fruits and vegetables. Respecting all the participants, data protection act, security of the collected data, convincing the participants, maintaining safety and wellbeing of the participants an ensuring that the collected information are utilised only for research purpose for making changes in the school fruit and vegetables scheme are the major ethical principles and practice in this research, through which the researcher aims at completing the study ethically within effective time.

Data collection

The researcher collects the information through providing questions verbally to the children where there are 30 students at the school, and it is possible for the researcher to collect the popular fruits and vegetables among the children which they prefer to consume according to their taste and choices. All the children are sitting on the carpet and the researcher asked them to raise their hands of they like the fruit or vegetable what the researcher is going to say and this survey is effective for the researcher to enhance cooperation with the children and convince them to provide proper answer about their preferences for fruits or vegetable what they like to consume.

Data collection Data collection1

As per the findings, represented above, it has been seen that, there are 25 students who prefer to eat bananas and 21 students prefer apples. Through this process, it is possible for the researcher to understand what are the popular fruits or vegetable that the children like to eat, and it is also easy for the researcher to make changes in the school fruit and vegetables scheme by increasing the availability of the fruits and vegetable what the children like to eat the most. As per the findings, there are 28 students who prefer to eat pears and carrots as well. Only 12 students prefer to eat tomatoes and 24 students like to consume easy peel oranges. Hereby, it can be stated that, the popular fruits or vegetables are pears and carrots which needs to be included in the school fruit and vegetables scheme for providing free fruits and vegetables to the students according to the taste and preferences of the children. In addition to these, it comes to know that, all the students prefer to consume easy peel satsumas and there are 17 students who like strawberries, and hereby, the researcher comes to know that easy peel satsumas is popular where every students like to at the fruit and seasonally, it will be beneficial for the school authority to provide strawberries where 17 students prefer to eat strawberries.

As per the findings, it can be stated that, the popular fruits are such as bananas, pears, easy peel satsumas and easy peel oranges where most of the children at the school prefer to eat these fruits. Additionally, among the vegetables, most of the students prefer carrots and thus, it will be beneficial for the researcher to include carrot in the school fruit and vegetables scheme which is effective for the children to consume carrots as suitable vegetables for their development and will be a healthy choice for the children as carrots are highly recommended for children’s development (Castllanos, 2017). Through this survey, it is possible to identify the fruits and vegetable which are preferable by the students at the school and the researcher and the school authority can take positive initiatives in developing the school fruit and vegetables scheme and creating changes in the scheme by providing popular fruits and vegetables according to the taste ad preferences of the students at the school. This survey is also effective for the researcher as it provides a scope to the researcher to identify what quantity of the fruits and vegetable need to be purchased for the students. Hereby, the researcher comes to know that, the popular fruits and vegetables for the students are such as bananas, pears, carrots, easy peel oranges and easy peel satsumas which are necessary to be included in the school fruit and vegetables scheme for providing appropriate fruits and vegetable to the children according to their taste and preferences (NHS, 2018c).


It can be concluded that, the study is beneficial for the researcher to develop in-depth understanding about the benefits of healthy diet and eating habit pf fresh fruits and vegetables were the children can imporve their memory and sharp brain for playing and learning. Through this study, it is also possible for the researcher to identify the actual fruits vand vegetables which the children like to consume, and this collected data and information through survey among the 30 children at the school are also advantageous of identifying the popular fruits and vegetable that are necessary to be included in the school fruit and vegetables scheme. As per the research findings, the popular fruits of the students are such as bananas, pears, fresh peel oranges and easy peel satsumas where the children prefer to eat these fruits during their school hours. Hereby, it is beneficial for the researcher to change the school fruit and vegetables scheme and include these fruits item which are preferred by the children at the school where they can consume the fruits happily. In the other hand, in the vegetable section the children prefer carrots rather than tomatoes and it is also advantageous to change the school fruit and vegetables scheme and include carrots for the students so that they can eat fresh vegetables for the brain and physical development (Roccaldo et al., 2017). Additionally, seasonally, strawberry is also provided through the school fruit and vegetables scheme as there are few students who also prefer to eat strawberries and hereby it is also beneficial to provide strawberries for some changes in the healthy diet of the children and motivate them to eat fruits and vegetable more for their brain and physical development. Through this study, it can be stated that, it is possible to collect proper information through empowering the children the surveys where the researcher is successful to convince them to eat fruits and vegetable by providing them free piece of fruits and vegetables so that they can choose the right fruits and vegetables as per their taste and preferences. This resulted in less waste of fruits and vegetables as the children were eating the option they chose; therefore less waste is being consumed as the children are eating more of what the enjoy. Also, it has been noticed that the children’s behavior and attitudes towards the healthy eating process have changed and become more positive to them as they have all been communication more whilst eating their snack. This shows similarities to the healthy eating, healthy minds scheme (Roccaldo et al., 2017). Hereby, empowering the student for making effective changes int eh school fruit and vegetables scheme is successful where the researcher can collect the data and decide to include the fresh fruits like bananas, pears, fresh peel oranges and easy peel satsumas and vegetable like carrot in the bananas, pears, fresh peel oranges and easy peel satsumas so that the children enjoy consuming the fresh fruits and vegetables successfully (Methner, Maschkowski, and Hartmann, 2017).

Reflective summary

The action research is beneficial for me to conduct the in-depth analysis about the above-mentioned research topic which is School fruit and vegetables scheme. Through this research, it is possible for me to collect appropriate data and information from the participants for understanding the preferences of the children about the consumption of fruits and vegetable so that I can make effective changes in the School fruit and vegetables scheme in near future. Additionally, the study provides me a scope to interact with the teaching professional of the school as well as engage with the children for understanding their preferences to eat healthy vegetables and fresh fruits for their healthy diet. The secondary evidences such as the planning of NHS foundation, practice of the teaching authorities, government initiatives and contribution of the parents in the healthy diet of the children at early years stage are effective for me to gather information about the practice of consuming fruits and vegetable. On the other hand, I try to collect primary data directly from the children and the teaching staff through convincing them in taking active parts in my research so that I can be able to conduct the study successfully by collecting information about the preferences of the children in consuming fruits and vegetable and to identify the popular fruits and vegetables which are liked by the children. This information is helpful for me to analysing the School fruit and vegetables scheme and include the popular fruits and vegetables in the School fruit and vegetables scheme so that the children can enjoy the consumption of fruits and vegetables according to their choices and preferences.

While I gather the information among the children, they are enjoying eating different types of fruits and vegetables that are provided by me and they can choose the best fruits and vegetables as per their taste and preferences. I try to provide them 2 options rather than 3 options of fruits and vegetables and I came to see that the children choose the same fruit and vegetables on the second day of my observation. Rather that choosing different options, the children enjoy picking the same fruit and vegetable on the nest day also and it helps me to find out the popular fruits and vegetables preferable at the school among the children. This study is hereby beneficial for me to make effective changes in the School fruit and vegetables scheme and include the popular fruits and vegetable which the children are liking to consume according to their taste a preference. Through this study, it is also posisbel for me to raise awareness among the children about the practice of eating fruits and vegetables and I also try to build strong relationship with the children and motivate them to eat healthy diet which will help them for their brain and physical development in near future. In this context, the survey among the children are effective as I am successful in encouraging them to eat fresh fruits and healthy vegetable on a regular basis and also cooperate with the teaching professionals for providing them free piece of fruits and vegetable according to their choice and preferences by ensuring successful improvement and changes in the School fruit and vegetables scheme.

However, whilst carrying out the action research there was one difficult obstacle that I had to overcome, this was giving the children some overall knowledge about healthy eating as the children did not know much about eating healthy and what it was all about. Therefore, after having the discussions with the teacher it was agreed that I present a PowerPoint consisting information about healthy eating to show to the children before carrying out the activity to give them an insight and some knowledge around the healthy eating area. I noticed this was a positive step to make as giving the children some background knowledge around the activity and why it is important will help with the overall project as this helped the project go successfully. However, if I did not deliver the presentation, I think the whole action research would not have been that successful as the children may not have participated as they would not have been sure what it is about. Therefore, with the presentation, giving them some information they children was happy to participate and join in. Overall, as this was a professional change I made within the School’s fruit and vegetables scheme, it may not be possible for this change to be carried out in the near future at this present time as more time, details and professional needs to be involved to analyse more data for this to be an effective change going forward.

Reference List

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