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Communication in workplace is important aspect to make basic everyday interactions with all the staffs thereby promoting supportive relationship with people who use the service as well as with the workers. This assignment would focus on the methods of conducting interpersonal communication by care givers to provide high level of support to users. Here, the assignment highlights the mis-communication that occurs in given case scenario with Anna, the patient and analyse it with representation of different theories. Furthermore, this assignment is going to represent the affect of cultural aspects on maintaining proper communication in health and social care. Current assignment also focuses on the fact that how the communication could be improved at the moment when Anna was admitted to hospital. Finally the assignment would focus on application of proper Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in promoting effective heath settings in care homes.
Maintaining effective communication in heath and social is important to send and receive massage on various aspects to understand the requirement of service users as well as the staffs. There are different theories that can be represented to justify why well-organised communication sin important in health and social care.
In this aspect, () stated that Behaviourist theory focuses on fact that all behavioural expression are acquired by conditioning. For making proper responses to environmental stimuli, individual make proper perceptions and knowledge of different aspects.
Another theory that can be related with the given scenario to analyse the communication drawback faced by Anna is Humanistic Theory.
In relation to case study, Humanistic Theory can be established in case of Anna, in which, she received high level of sorrow and grief due to unsupportive behaviour of nurse and doctors. As per (), Humanistic theories focus on human understanding and experience involving teaching, growing and learning. Here Anna experienced severe frustration and psychological distress which reduces Anna’s self confidence. According to the perspective of this theory, heath professionals must spends their valuable time and effort to interact with Anna and her husband to assess the health disorder. Receptionist must provide proper assistance to her husband for taking Anna to the doctor’s cabin and make them understand the rule and regulation of heath care system.
As sdtaed bby (0, Cognitive Learning Theory focuses on the fact that, personal experience may converge with environmental and behavioural determinants. External stimuli such s stimuli from environment or behavioural attitudes pose huge im pact on human perception, thoughts and ideas.
In this context, it can be stated that, cognitive theory can describe the psychological damaged experience by Anna and her husband at hospitals. They got poor assistance as well as abuse from doctors and nurse which affect their positive thoughts and perception about heath care system. Instead of showing harsh approach, doctors might be polite and helpful towards Anna and her husband. Doctor didn’t perform any clear communication with Anna’s husband and made wrong assumption that she is drunk. As per the perception of this theory it can be stated that doctors must maintain effective interaction with Anna’s husband and know about her previous history to make accurate diagnosis. Through fostering positive and active learning, care givers could motivate Anna able to generate innovative ideas and thoughts by herself to enhance her communication skill and physical ability to do different work without help, of care givers.
According to (), this theory focuses on the personality development in individual by fostering innovating thoughts, learning, perception and activities. It also represents the two elements of personality development that are ideas and emotions. If people face something negative incidence which is unaware to them, it brings leads to development of unhappiness.
In relation to given scenario, the unexpected experience that Anna and her husband received from health professionals might generate different distinguishable symptoms such as disturbing personality, behavioural disturbance, improper self-esteem and damaged interactive skill. Through the perception of this theory, it can be stated that, heath professionals might provide proper assistance to Anna and her husband by providing confidence and mental strength which can make them to enhance their happiness and self-esteem.
According to (), care providers maintain good communication with their peers, health professionals and service users to maintain positive interaction with them. There three main forms of communication such as verbal. Non-verbal and written, that are effective to exchange of massages and maintain strong rapport between patient and care givers.
As stated by (0, efficient verbal communication is associated with exchange of words to represent ideas, perceptions and thoughts. In relation to the scenario, doctors and nurse might maintain strong verbal communication with Anna’s husband to share know her exact physical condition. Through verbal communication doctor can discard the chances of poor communication with Anna and her husband which abolish all the misunderstanding and misconception among them. Through verbal communication strategy doctors can enhance Anna’s confidence and decision making power through reinforcing positive learning and active problem solving power. Instead of showing harsh behaviour to Anna and her husband, doctors and nurse can interact with her them to know realise their psychology. Through verbal communication doctors can foster the following activities
According to () non-verbal communication is established by expressing ideas as well as opinions through making facial expression and body language. This type of communication is highly applicable to Anna’s heath condition. As Anna is incapable of talking due to her facial disorders, nurse can make her learn to use body language, voice tone, gesture, symbols and showing objects and visual aids to interact with care givers and health professionals. Care givers can communicate with Anna by eye contact, touch, hand movements approaches and posture. As stated by () non verbal communication is highly effective to disabled person whom cannot talk as this method reinforce positive thoughts and motivations in patient’s mind. Through non-verbal communication doctors can develops flowing positive approaches:
As stated by () written communication between heath providers and service users is associated with keeping records of patient heath status and their feedbacks regarding the heath service. In this context, heath professionals can use this type of communication tom provide regular written advice to Anna, which she can read properly and implement in her life. Through written communication, heath providers can keep clear records of Anna’s regular heath recovery which makes health professional to make accurate assessment of Anna’s t heath improvement.
There are various barriers such as inappropriate language, misinterpretation, incongruent massage, breach of confidentiality and power abuse, in health and social care which lead to inappropriate interpretation and poor interpersonal communication between service providers and users (). In relation to Anna’s heath, heath providers must conduct through review to discard the chances of all these barriers.
According to (), health providers must use simple and positive language which can be understood by users. In relation to Anna’s case, health providers must use sophisticated and polite language which can easily be understood by Anna. Heath professional must ensure that, they would not use any harsh or rough language which can lead to psychological distress within Anna. As Anna experience high level of frustration and pain regarding her ill heath, it is obligatory to heath providers to use a language which can motivate her to perform independently.
According to (), heath providers must know that which type of massages and advices can be helpful for patient. Incongruent or unsuitable massages developed by service providers can leads to reduction of self confidence and damages of self-esteem.
In relation to case study, it can be stated that heath providers ensure that all the massages that are provided to service users must be relevant and useful to their heath. All then advises and verbal information that the care giver provides to Anna would be accurate and authentic for discarding chances of occurring misconception and misunderstanding.
As stated by (), heath professional must maintain proper confidentiality of patient’s health and personal information. In this aspect, heath professional would not disclose the information of Anna’s heath condition without her consent. Doctors would ensures that the heath records of Anna is stored in proper manner authorised person and there is no unauthorised assess of personal database.
Health providers would deliver accurate and authentic information to Anna and her family. As stated by (), heath providers would not exaggerate any information or deliver incorrect speech, which can create several type of controversies and conflict. In this context, doctors and nurse would provide proper information to make trustworthy relationship with her.
For providing proper heath care setting it is important to recognise the heath requirements of patients. In care of patient with disabilities several effective ways can be used to meet their heath needs such as using of non verbal and verbal communication or apply written communication. For example, during my professional career I was assigned to take care of a deaf and dumb patient, Mary Johnson. For discard chances of any communicational, barrier I made following strategies:
Culture plays important role in maintaining proper interaction with service users in social and healthcare system. In relation to case scenario, heath providers must ensure that they would not make any controversial communication which may disrespect the religion and cultural ethics of Anna.
As stead by () racial stereotype impact the way in which different individual interact each other. Heath providers would focus on the exact need and expectation of Anna to recognise her psychology and perception. This approach would make health providers to provide proper treatment beyond any racism or biases.
According to (), heath providers would interact equally with each patient to beyond their class, religion and gender. However, different religion and gender may have different perception and psychology which impacts the treatment process and medication system. In Anna’s case, heath providers would ensure that, they make strong communication which does not interfere with her religious perspective and sexual characterises.
As stated by (), sexual orientation is associated with differences in behavioural expression and characterise feature among individuals. Health professional must respect the uniqueness of characters and perception of each sex or gender to promote proper heath settings. In case of Anna, health providers must evaluate her sexual characterises and behavioural expression and then recognise her requirements. Being a girl, Anna needs soft and polite approach from care givers. Furthermore heath interacts with Anna to avoid all the risk of segregation and isolation due to sexual biases.
Ethnicity affects the heath care setting in relation to socio cultural aspects, demographic aspects and behavioural and cultural aspects of the community. Heath professionals must not focus on the ethnic community group to which Anna belongs, while interacting with her. Health professionals must ensure that Anna would not face any type of health inequalities or discrimination due to the social economic status of her ethnic group.
As opined by (), for promoting effective heath care settings it is important for the care homes to conduct proper health care policies which can be related with the guidelines of national healthcare legislations. In relation to case study, the prime policy that heath providers can apply to deliver proper heath support to Anna is useful treatment. Care providers must ensure that Anna would be provided with timely medicines, nutritious foods and regular exercise which are the basic criteria of effective requirement. By applying this policy heath providers can meet the criteria of guidelines of Health and Social care Act 2012.
As stated by (), heath professionals and caregivers must respect the individual rights of each patient. In this context, caregivers would focus on the requirements and fundamental rights of Anna to make her comfortable with the treatment process. Proper medications, timely supervision, proper assistance, discrimination free treatment and proper respect to the values and opinions of Anna are belong to her fundamental rights, which the heath providers must deliver to meet the guidelines of Human Rights Act 1998.
As stated by legislation and codes of practises impact on the standard of practises in heath and social care and the way of implementing of these rules and regulation onto healthcare system. Codes of Practise for social care workers, developed by General Social care Council focuses on some obligatory practises that would foster effective communication process between heath providers and service users. In this context, it can be stated that care givers must protect the rights of Anna and promote her best effort to be engaged into her own treatment process. According to (), care givers must treat each patient as an individual and support their rights as well as choices to receives the comfortable service according to their needs. Here caregivers must provide equal approaches and opportunities to Anna like other patient to get the best care. Codes of practise in health and social care also affect the way of social care workers interact with users. As stated by (), according to the Standard of practise, caregivers must develop trustworthy and confidential communication with users which make the users to share their private problems with caregivers.
In this context,()stated that legislations and codes of practises go hand in hand to promote effective communication for fostering well-organised health care settings. Human Rights Act 1998 promotes the freedom of choices and decision by users to receive best care and treatment from heath professionals. In this aspect, care givers, while interacting with Anna, would allow her to establish her decisions and choices regarding treatment process, diet and exercise. As opined by (), Health and social care act 2012 makes it mandatory to caregivers and hearth professionals to promote healthy communication which can foster proper respect and dignity to the opinions and thoughts of all the services users. This makes it obligatory for the health professionals to provide proper independence to Anna to take her own decisions regarding her treatment ad care. Under Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (c 50), caregivers would make effective communication with Anna which would discard chances of occurring any discriminatory, abusive and exploitative behaviour or practise.
In social and healthcare settings, there are some effective ways to improve the communication between social workers and service users.
Improving the environment:
Care givers must maintain relevant and appropriate environmental aspects to overcome all the communicational barriers. As opined by (), the must be discrimination free and anti-bullying environment which makes caregivers to promote peaceful interaction with service users. In relation to case study, heath providers could ensure that Anna is free from any type of violence as well as abusive behaviour while interacting with caregivers.
Understand preference and language needs:
As stated by (), for improving the standard of communication to service users, caregivers must understand what type of serviced and language is required by user. In case of Anna, as she does not have speaking ability, care givers must use both verbal and non verbal communication to interact with her. Caregivers can make teach Anna to use sign, symbols or facial expression to communicate with caregivers which could make the service providers able to recognise Anna’s requirements.
Maintain regular meeting:
As stated by (0, heath providers should make regular interaction to service users to supervise their health status, psychological condition and activities. For improving communication care providers can make regular visits to Anna’s room, to ensure that she gets appropriet care , timely medicines and foods.
Conference with family:
Heath professionals can involve patent’s family into their treatment to know their pre medical history, preferences, needs and threats. Through involving Anna’s husband and other family members, health professionals can know Anna’s previous heath status, health requirement, psychological conditions and behaviour, which could make use peaceful as well as healthy communication with Anna to meet her needs.
Proper training:
As per (0 care givers must be provided well-organised training procedure which would make them know the tactics which they would apply while communicating with patient to promote best healthcare settings. Through proper education and professional training caregivers would be able to know what type of communication has to be performed for patient and how they deliver best healthcare setting through this communication? In case of Anna, caregivers could make verbal, non verbal communication and written communication. Through verbal communication caregivers can provide positive advice, daily instructions and representing opinions in front of Ann. On the other hand through non verbal communication such as using of sign and symbols and written communication, caregivers can make Anna to communicate with them to share her decisions and problems.
Today caregivers use standard ICT (Information and Communication technology) software to promote effective heath care settings. Usage of ICT software into heath and social care aspects consist of wide range of applications such as decision support, ambient assistant living, medical imaging methods, e-therapies, mobile heath and electronic heath record. One of the common standard ICT software is Web 2.0 technologies. This software is used in different purpose in health and social care framework includes social networking, social bookmarking, instant messaging, file sharing, collaborative filtering and mash up. As stated by ) Web 2.0 assist to manage the different online knowledge and information source such as clinical data, medical; history of service users and personal database of patient. Through Instant messaging, and MS Access, caregivers can manage huge amount off database reading patient medical history. According to () heath providers confront some challenges to use different ICT software such as Word Processor, Web 2.0 and Excel regarding the privacy and validity of the database and consistency of network connecting. In many cases heath providers cannot be sure about the accuracy of medical result that can be gained by using ICT software. As per (), there may arise some questions reading the efficiency level of of ICT software regarding accuracy of diagnostic result, data security and medical data analysis. However, it is true that to cope up with ever increasing number of health disorder, ICT software can cultivate innovative methods and thoughts in health and social care to thereby contributing to quick recovery of patient.
There are several benefits of using ICT software in social and health care field which are as follows:
There is particular legal consideration for using ICT into social and healthcare field. Ass stated by () ICT must be aligned with the cultural relevance and practises in heath care sectors. Although these usage of ICT benefits in heath care settings, but all these benefits must be transformed to broad adoption of innovations and technological changes in traditional system. Legal framework of using ICT deals with the fact that, the usage of this software must be effective to reduce health risk for service users and discard chances of any type of clinical errors. As stated by ICT must provide innovative tool for making effective design of tomorrow’s medicines. It would provide effective as well as secure communication platform for health professionals which discard all the chances of breach to data protection.
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