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Health care professional practice: Managing Healthcare

Concerning the determination of the efficacy of the diagnosis of particular mental health related issues, the specific emphasis could be completely concentrated upon the particularities of the process of diagnosis and the theoretical constructs on which the practical process of such a diagnosis had been formulated. In this context, it is necessary to denote at the initiation of the study observation that the core context of the subsequent essay has been the process of diagnosis of current mental disorders as well as the classification of the most effective health intervention procedures. In this respect, the most predominant of the psychological processes regarding the approaches of treatment are associated with the awareness of the contexts of the greater perspectives of the procedures through which various psychological disorders are managed. For example, Sophia is also suffering from Schizophrenia, who is only 23 years old and it is difficult for her to overcome the situation without proper treatment and support provided by care providers. To this effect, the corresponding essay has been concerned with the comparison and contrast of two specific theoretical positions concerning the provisioning of the explanation of the diagnosis of a specific psychological disorder related mental health issues. The models are, one is psychological and other is social model which are effective to describe the case study of Sophia who is treated for Schizophrenia.

The context of the mental health complication could be better delineated through the disorder of Schizophrenia which has been affecting a hypothetical specific user of the services which could be offered through formulation of proper medical intervention to resolve the existing mental health related issues. Sophia is also treated with latest treatment and technology for her mental disorder as she is suffering a lot due to having Schizophrenia. the mental health of Sophia is not good as there are several negative impacts of such disease Schizophrenia where she has the problem to think and take decision due to mental disorders. The ultimate objective regarding the formulation of such a study perspective based evaluation is to outline the probabilities of success which could be achieved in formulation of such deliberative treatment based intervention in the lives of such personnel suffering from a diversified range of mental health conditionalities.

According to Abu-Akel et al (2015), the patients suffering from Schizophrenia and associated disorders, the necessity to avail professional assistance could be completely incumbent upon the prevailing mental health related intervention formulation perspectives and practices within the ambit of the particular psychological assistance provisioning services to which such patients could subscribe to. There are two significant aspects in this regard which are necessary to be comprehended for the purpose of attaining a more in-depth perspective of treatment associated with Schizophrenia. According to Barker and Pistrang (2015), the initial one could be determined to be the individualised psychiatric problems and other disorders which could impact the stability of the patient in the long term treatment progression. Sophia is also suffering from psychiatric problem and it leads the patients towards long term depression and mental disorders in near future if she does not respond to the treatment provided by the care workers.

The other one could be comprehended in the form of the multiplicity of the external elements which influence the various experiences of the patients, limitations as well as perspectives related to the mental health intervention related treatment procedures. These generally lead to the experiences of the patients suffering from such psychological disorders such as Schizophrenia including the often recurrence of frustration, depression (either acute of chronic in nature) as well as denial exhibited by the patients regarding the extent of their ailments. Psychological disorders of Sophia also raise the issue of depression and frustration in her life which needs immediate support and treatment so that she could overcome her problem of having Schizophrenia. According to Slade et al (2014), the conflict of various philosophical approaches regarding the determination of the best possible intervention process for the purpose of psychological disorder, such as Schizophrenia, resolution, amongst the physicians and other care service providers could as well be considered to be one of the obstacles regarding advising the patients on the most beneficial avenue of mental health related treatment.

Background and research rationale

The first article is related to the leadership development in health care which provides a scope to understand the benefits of effective leadership and management through which the health care professionals can provide efficient service and proper care to the individuals. This article is effective to acknowledge that leadership and management provides a scope to improve coordination and cooperation as well as develop integrated working practice in the health care so that all the practitioner and health care professionals can provide efficient care support eh individuals who need proper health care service. the leaders are the main stakeholders of the health and social care institutions who are trying to be supportive, empathic, fair, respectful and companionate for empowering the staff members and leading them towards archiving success. On the other hand, the second article is related to the strategic management in the U.S. Hospitals where the author tries to acknowledge that strategic management is necessary in the hospitals for supporting the individuals and leading the organisations towards achieving its objectives of serving better care and practice to the social communities. The strategic management is important for creating innovative health care treatments and managing the hospitals efficiently so that it is possible for the health care professionals to serve the social communities in a better and innovative way.


As has been observed by Clement et al (2015), the diagnostic resolution of the issues related to Schizophrenia could be undertaken from a dual fold based combination of approaches. The initial one could be outlined by the Psychoanalytical approach. The next one could be understood to be the Psychological approach. However, it is necessary to delve into the actualities associated with those of the different characteristics of Schizophrenia. As per the observations of Cooney (2018), these are of specific significance regarding the determination of the theoretical approaches which could be utilised to formulate the best possible treatment intervention process for the purpose of addressing the mental health issues such as that of Schizophrenia. Craddock and Mynors-Wallis (2014), has outlined that Schizophrenia could occur in the forms of both chronic and acute symptoms. These symptoms have been specified and categorised in the manner of both positive and negative symptoms concerning the passivity and active measures which could be demonstrated through the detrimental effects which become evident within the patient.

According to Crouch and Alers (2014), these disorders could be comprehended in the manner of disorder of the proper thought process including the broadcasting of thought bordering on hallucination, insertion of thought and removal of thoughts completely. These are generally accompanied in the form of delusions and mental illusions and further, various physical activities could be envisaged in this regard to be also demonstrative of the symptoms of Schizophrenia in the manner of behaviour which could seem to be odd enough accompanied by postures which could be considered to be also unnatural and out of place. Over reactions and activities could also indicate the symptoms of variegated forms of Schizophrenia. Furthermore, the negative features associated with that of the Chronic Schizophrenia, generally involve the exhibition of withdrawal from social activities, un-mindfulness in daily activities, negligence in appearance of oneself at the social gatherings as well as movements and postures which are mostly considered as odd in nature. There are two models, one is psychological and other is social model through which the disease of Sophia can be explained. As per the psychological mode, the patient has the disease of Schizophrenia which needs proper care and support from the social care workers so that she can get appropriate treatment at the right time. The symptoms of Sophia as per the psychological model are depression and frustration, mental disorders and inability to take decision. On the other hand, as per the social model, Sophia is also suffering from serious problem as she cannot participate in social gatherings as well as negligence, lack of concentration in daily work and inappropriate communication are the other issues for which Sophia is experiencing social exclusion.

Thus, it could be surmised that considerable difference and divergence in the nature of the symptoms could be identified in between the symptoms of chronic as well as acute Schizophrenia. As per the research of Freeth (2017), Psychoanalytic psychotherapy could be utilised for both the determination of the extent of the disease such as Schizophrenia and the undertaking of the formulation of most effective psychological therapeutic intervention for the purpose of improvement of such stated psychological disorders such as Schizophrenia. Regarding the service user under consideration who has been diagnosed with certain degree of Schizophrenia, is necessary to be initially stabilized through the administration of medication. It will be beneficial for Sophia if she gets proper medication and treatment for improving her mental disorders and in this regard, she also needs proper care and support from the social care workers for psychological therapy. According to Frith (2014), the process could then commence regarding establishment of the most efficacious communication between the psychoanalyst and the patient under consideration concerning the provision of the therapeutic processes.

The psychoanalytic psychotherapy, according to Steel et al (2017), involves not only the psychotherapist but the associated staff of the hospital or the institution which could be directly involved in the process of actively assisting the patient from the conditions which accompany the advent and implications of Schizophrenia to a greater extent. The implications of such illness such as Schizophrenia are to be deliberately resolved by the clinicians and the physicians so that the overall psychotherapeutic processes could be then commenced with. According to Gluckman (2017), the Aetiology is different regarding the chronic Schizophrenia suffering personnel who are more or less of greater age limit and the comparatively young patients of Schizophrenia who could be suffering primarily acute symptoms. Javitt (2015) suggests that there could be indications that there are certain physical factors which could exacerbate or change the intensity of the Schizophrenia, in term of acuteness and recurrence possibilities. One of such physical factors could be identified in the form of ventricles getting enlarged and the notable EEG getting enhanced to the rate of P300. In this respect, the centralised focus on the nurturing of the motivation within the patients to commit themselves to the continuity of the treatment procedures.

The resistance to the psychoanalytic therapeutic techniques, as Winer et al (2016), have opined, could be the primary hindrance in terms of conducting specific diagnosis of the conditionalities which could be affecting the patient to the most profound extent. This process of successful diagnosis could then lead towards the fulfilment of the diagnostic phases through which the extent and measure of the Schizophrenia, under which the patient or the service user could be suffering from, could be effectively measured. According to Mackay (2018), there are three specific characteristics which could be identified within any mental health improvement intervention based service user which could lead such a person towards the successful completion of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy based intervention methods. These could be identified in the manner of inherent motivation, enduring determination and an innate capability to recover oneself from various forms of setbacks as well as overcoming of obstacles. These could be further contended as influential factors regarding the clinical application of personality structure, the unconscious and defence mechanisms in the forms of the psychoanalysis based processes through which the psychological disorders and the mental health conditions of the patient or the service user could be determined.

The focus is always, as has been opined by Thornton (2016) on the perspectives such as the demonstration of the sufficient intelligence measures within the client under consideration and the capacity to understand the deliberations regarding the insights of the treatment in a sustainable manner by the service user. Other factors which could determine and influence the various aspects regarding the accuracy and relevance of the diagnosis of the Schizophrenia, which could be affecting the mental health stability prospects of the patient under consideration, could be identified as the tolerance to various experiences which could be unpleasant to the various extents, by the person undergoing the psychoanalysis process. These could be understood in the manner of difficulties in achievement of forbearance and patience since these are valuable qualities for any person concerning the acceptance of multiplicity of different complications concerning the overall effect of the psychoanalysis based intervention within the human psyche.

Maddux (2016), states that such observations and inherent characteristics of the patients suffering from Schizophrenia could as well specify the necessity of the duration of time to be modified as per the conditionalities of the patients under the consideration of this study. The patients of Schizophrenia are mostly debilitated by various symptoms at the initial phase and as the process progresses further, through the application of psychoanalytic psychotherapy, the patients, such as the one under consideration in this study, could successively develop a measure of self-consciousness which could prompt their intention to resolve the pain, despair, depression as well as the confusion of theirs having been caused by the effect of varying degrees of Schizophrenia. Regarding the diagnosis of the patient under consideration, according to Yang et al (2018), these measures of diagnosis could be applied to drive home the relevance as well as the effectiveness of the utilisation of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

In terms of the psychological therapeutic mechanism which could be applied to the undertaking of the diagnosis of the mental health service user under consideration, to determine the extent of effectiveness of the assessment of the mental health conditionality of such a patient, it could be understood that the application of psychological theoretical construct based concept of individual cognitive work, could be another of the definite choices in this regard, other than that of the psychoanalysis process. The utilisation of the Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), for the purpose of addressing the effects of psychosis and Schizophrenia, as deliberate therapeutic interventions for the supportive care provision, could be acknowledged to be clinically significant. Moritz et al (2015) has outlined the necessity to first undertake deliberate evaluation of the evidence which could be accumulated regarding the persistent symptoms of Schizophrenia, when the longer term treatment regimens could be intended to be instituted to address particular complications within the patients and mental health treatment subscribers. The complications could be understood in the manner of recurrent delusions, necessity of Sophia to undergo significantly longer duration of treatment so that proper attempts could be performed to reduce the explicit symptoms of Schizophrenia and finally, the persisting effects of hallucinations on the psyche of the patient.

Concerning the hallucinations, one effective observation could be outlined from the study of Pontes, Kuss and Griffiths (2015), that behavioural alterations and changes introduced within the lifestyles of such patients who could be subjected to Schizophrenia, could lead to certain improvement in conditions of the patients since these could contribute in the reduction of chronic yet continuing stress in the patients. However, it could be further understood from the perspective highlighted by Rush and Ibrahim (2018), that, the evidence regarding the reversal or containment of transition of patients from Schizophrenia to Psychosis, is primarily a tentative one. Regarding the mental health service user highlighted in this study, the diagnosis of the conditionality of Schizophrenia could lead to the categorisation of such a patient with those of the prodromal groups of patients who could be having a relatively greater risk of having to endure the effects of psychosis. In this regard, it could be thus envisaged that, the comparative study and evaluation of both of the theoretical constructs, in the format of the Psychological therapeutic mechanism and Psychoanalytical psychotherapy, could be actualised in their respective utilisation, in broad and general perspective, depending upon the case specifics and patient conditional particularities where these two therapeutic processes could be applied.

Reference List

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