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Health care professional practice: Managing Healthcare


The introductory background of the articles reveals that the leadership and management in the context of health care professional practice is effective for managing the quality of the health care service and maintaining high quality culture in the hospitals or other health care institutions. The first article is related to the leadership development ion the health care practice and the second article is related to the strategic management in the U.S. hospitals and both the articles are beneficial to demonstrate the managerial practice in the context of health care where the leaders and managers play a crucial role for maintaining the performance of the staff members and creating high quality culture for maximising the objective of the health fare institutions. the research is effective to identify that the leaders are responsible for managing the workplace, motivating the people. Maintaining transparency and accountability and improving performance of the staff members so that it is easy to deliver high quality care and services to the individuals. On the other hand, the management team is responsible for improving innovation and creativity by sharing knowledge and experience and developing integrated workplace where all the staff members, health care professionals and nurses try to communicate and collaborate for maximising high-quality service of the hospitals.

Background and research rationale

The first article is related to the leadership development in health care which provides a scope to understand the benefits of effective leadership and management through which the health care professionals can provide efficient service and proper care to the individuals. This article is effective to acknowledge that leadership and management provides a scope to improve coordination and cooperation as well as develop integrated working practice in the health care so that all the practitioner and health care professionals can provide efficient care support eh individuals who need proper health care service. the leaders are the main stakeholders of the health and social care institutions who are trying to be supportive, empathic, fair, respectful and companionate for empowering the staff members and leading them towards archiving success. On the other hand, the second article is related to the strategic management in the U.S. Hospitals where the author tries to acknowledge that strategic management is necessary in the hospitals for supporting the individuals and leading the organisations towards achieving its objectives of serving better care and practice to the social communities. The strategic management is important for creating innovative health care treatments and managing the hospitals efficiently so that it is possible for the health care professionals to serve the social communities in a better and innovative way.


Literature search

Search strategy

Searching effective articles related to the health care professional practice is important where it is necessary for the researcher to identify proper articles after the year of 2010 where the health care practice can be described in depth. In this regard, the key terms such as leadership and management in the health care practice as well as strategic management in the health and social care are utilised through which the researcher tries to identify the two articles which simply provides an overview of the health and social care practice.

The first articles:

‘Leadership and Leadership Development in Healthcare: The Evidence Base.’ by West, M., Armit, K., Loewenthal, L., Eckert, R., West, T. and Lee, A., in the year of 2015.

The second article:

‘The U.S. Hospital Management from a Strategic Management Viewpoint.’ by Kim, R., in the year of 2016.

Overview of the literature

Both the articles are effective to demonstrate the health care professional practice where the health and social care professionals try to maximise patient’s care by strategic management as well as developing effective leadership style that fosters coordination and cooperation in the health care institutions. The literature review of the first article is related to leadership style that describes that the leaders try to inspire the vision of the hospitals and nursing homes and other health care institutions as well as create clear and aligned objectives for the institutions so that the aims of serving the population can be maximised. The leaders are also responsible for developing an effective team so that the staff members can work cooperatively and fulfil the pre-stated aims and objectives of the health and social institutions. The leaders also aim at improving learning and development in the health and social care institutions as well as maximising the quality of the health and social care service. On the other hand, the strategic management article is also effective through which it is possible for the author to demonstrate the strategic planning in the hospitals for managing the quality of the health care service. Strategic management including human resource management, financial resource allocation and improving the management of the hospital are effective to serve better care and care to the patients who need effective health care service.

Reviewing two articles

Critical appraisal of the Guidelines/Framework

Article 1: Leadership and Leadership Development in Healthcare: The Evidence Base

The framework of this article is useful where the authors aim at demonstrating the leadership practice in the health care institutions through which the health care professionals and other team members can maximise the quality of the health care service. The secondary information related to the leadership for cultures of high quality care and the leadership theory are effective in this article. Additionally, the information related to leadership, culture and climate in health care are also beneficial to represent the main topic of this article which is leadership development in the context of health care professional practice (West et al., 2015). The framework of this article is related to the leadership development practice which provide an opportunity to develop proper understanding regarding the leadership style for making integrated workplace so that all the team members can improve working condition in the health care institutions (West et al., 2015).

The U.S. Hospital Management from a Strategic Management Viewpoint

This article is related to the strategic management procedure in the US hospitals as there exists competition in the USA where the hospitals try to improve innovation and creativity for maximising their social care and retaining more social communities. this study provides an overview regarding hospital management through which it is easy to enhance innovation and creativity in the hospitals where the managers can achieve success in near future by proper management of the hospitals (Kim, 2016). The structure in this article includes introducing the strategic management viewpoint in the hospitals, responding the regulatory changes, financial performance, organisational capabilities and managerial cognition and lastly the conclusion which are beneficial to represent the management process of the hospitals, reallocation of the resources and maximising the organisational capabilities for maximising the financial performance of the hospitals (Kim, 2016).

Article 1: Leadership and Leadership Development in Healthcare: The Evidence Base

The study aims at improving the organisational culture in the context of health care practice by developing effective leadership strategies so that the issue such as stress, inefficiency of the staff members and poor quality of the health care service can be mitigated. hereby, the objective of the research is to develop effective leadership kill with proper personality trait so that the leaders are able to maximise organisational aims of delivering high quality service o the individuals. in this research, the authors try to consider the case study of National Health Service (NHS) and focus on evidence-based approach to gather information and represent the study efficiently (West et al., 2015). The Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM), The King’s Fund and the Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL) play a crucial role in this research to improve leadership style and create positive culture in the health care institution to manage the quality of the health care service (West et al., 2015). The main personality trait of the leaders includes high energy, stress management, self-confidence, integrity, emotional maturity and continuous motivation through which the leaders can manage the workforce and develop an integrated team within the health care institutions so that it is possible to maximise overall quality of the health care practice (West et al., 2015).

As per the study, it can be stated that, the leaders encourage trust and loyalty as well as cooperation as well as improve the sense of collective identify where all the staff members try to work as a team and maximise the team objective. This practice further helps to maximise the performance of the health care institutions and improve the health care standard as well as create high quality culture (West et al., 2015). As per the Research findings, it can also be described that, the leaders in the NHS are responsible for creating positive working culture as well as build strong relationship with all the stakeholders who are related to the NHS through which it is easy to enhance organisational performance by ensuring trust and commitment in the health care institutions. Hereby, leadership development in the NHS is effective to improve health care professional practice as well as create high quality culture for enhancing overall performance and motivating the staff members in the hospitals or nursing homes so that they can be communicative and cooperative in the workplace to meet the common objective of maximising the quality of the health care service by reducing the issue of inconsistency, inefficiency, low stress management and lack of management in the health care (West et al., 2015).

The U.S. Hospital Management from a Strategic Management Viewpoint

The aim of this research is to develop effective strategic management procedure through which the U.S. hospitals can create innovative health care service and treatment for improving the welfare of the social communities as a whole (Kim, 2016). Hereby, it is the responsibility of the managers to focus on hospital management and allocate the organisational resources as well as maximising the capabilities of the hospitals efficiently for maximising the aims and objective of the hospitals in the USA. In order to fulfil the long-term goals, the management team try to evaluate the performance of the staff members and maximise strategic capabilities to serve better care and practice to the individuals and this in turn helps to maximise the health care standard in the U.S. hospitals by ensuring the innovation and creativity in the health and social care service. Through this study, it has been demonstrated that the management team focus on effective disease management, accessing proper care and improving medication and treatment through which it is easy to manage the patients and deliver high quality care and support to the individuals (Kim, 2016). The managers also focus on sharing knowledge and understanding with each other for improving the knowledge and skills of all the staff members presented in the hospitals and it further helps to maximise the performance of the hospital as a whole. The managers also aim at motivating the staff members and evaluating their performance on a regular basis so that they can give their full potential to maximise innovation and creativity of serving the individuals with the best treatment and care. Hereby, as per the study, it has been evaluated that, there is strong relationship among the organisational behaviour, leadership and managerial cognition, internal relationship and strategic performance (Kim, 2016).

Conclusion and recommendations

The articles are beneficial to provide proper information related to the health and social care professional practice through which the researcher can gather effective knowledge regarding the management practice of the hospitals and health care institutions where the leaders and managers aim at providing quality care and support to the individuals who need proper health care service. The researcher tries to search two effective articles which were published after the year of 2010 and the two articles are beneficial in this study to demonstrate the health and social care professional practice through which the organisational representatives successful in providing quality care and social support to the individuals including the social communities as a whole. the searching strategy of using the content and the subject heading is also effective for this study where the articles provide an overview regarding the leadership and management practice in the health care through which it is easy to maximise the patient’s safety and care in long run. Both the articles depend on the secondary data where the theories and practice of leadership and strategic management are evaluated. Both the articles did not focus any real-life experiences and the authors failed to consider any case studies of the hospitals or nursing homes so that it is possible to understand the real-life examples of leadership and management strategies to manage the hospitals successfully. In this regard, this is the main limitation of both the articles where the authors focus on secondary information as compared to the primary information and in this regard, they failed to include real life experience of the hospitals or health care institutions. It will be beneficial for the authors to include real life experiences by arranging interview with the managers where the authors can interact with the managers of the hospitals and other health care institutions. Interacting with the managers of the health care institutions and hospitals provides a scope to the authors to identify and gather the internal information of the

hospitals and this is also effective to conduct in depth analysis and recommend some suitable suggestions of improving the health care practice in the hospitals in long run. On the other hand, the authors also can include the leaders and arrange interview with the leaders to identify their strategic planning to increase understanding regarding the planning of the leaders to meet the requirements of the stakeholders including the social communities and improve quality of the health care. Additionally, there is another way to represent the research more specifically and conducting in depth analysis which is survey strategy where the authors may include the staff members for identifying the strategic management in the hospitals and other health care institutions where the survey questionnaire is useful to identify the information related to the internal situation of the hospitals and health care institutions. After proper analysis, it will be possible to improve the leadership and management planning to develop integrated workplace for working cooperatively where all the team members try to communicate and enhance performance to meet the aims and objectives of the hospitals and institutions.

Reference List

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