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Partnership working practice in health and social care


Introduction Partnership working practice refers to the strategic planning of the health and social care institutions to develop an effective team with proper cooperation and communication with the professionals o that it is posisbel to maximise patient’s care practice and create values for all the individuals (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014). The aim of the paper is to analyse the philosophes of working in partnership as well as identify its impacts on the service users, professionals and organisations in considering working in the general word of St. Helena Hospital. through this study, it is also effective to discuss to identify the barriers of working in partnership and develop proper strategy to imporve the practice of partnership working for better outcomes. In this regard, many patients are admitted in the general word of St. Helena Hospital and here needs to work with different medical issues such as cardiovascular accidents like Stroke, heart attacks hypo and hyper glycaemic attacks and asthma attack. It is hereby necessary to develop effective practice f partnership working so that the ward of the hospital can be maintained properly and create values for all the patients by delivering quality care and treatment.

Understanding the philosophies partnership and relationship in the health and social care service

Explaining the philosophies of working in partnership in health and social care

The philosophies of working in partnership is important for all the hospitals and health care homes so that the health care professionals can develop effective strategic planning to work with others (Beaulieu et al., 2016). The philosophies are such as positive attitude, power sharing, empowerment, transparency and accountability, respecting each other and interdependence among the team members. Interdependence among the team members are necessary on case of the St. Helena Hospital where there are many patients admitted in the hospital with different health issue such as cardiovascular accidents like Stroke, heart attacks, hypo and hyper glycaemic attacks and asthma attack and it is necessary for the health and social care professionals to share their views and experience with each other and enhance interdependence for providing the best treatment and quality care to the patients after proper diagnosis and acknowledging their actual health needs and preferences. Empowerment of the patients is also needed where the patients can express their understanding and preferences, and this further helps the health care professionals in the St. Helena Hospital to build string relationship and trust and loyalty among the patients. Autonomy and transparency as well as accountability are also required to enhance patient’s safety and security where the patients can feel valued and the health acre professionals of St, Helena Hospital can create values for the patients successfully. Additionally, positive attitude and interaction are also important in developing the practice pf partnership working where it is necessary for the health and social care professionals in St. Helena Hospital to develop effective interdependence in the team for delivering the best care and support to the individuals. Apart from that, respecting each other and maximising the patient’s requirements through communication are also necessary in the St. Helena Hospital where the patients feel valued and secured at the hospital and the health acre professionals can develop proper team who can provide best treatment and care to the patients according to their health needs and preferences.

Evaluating partnership relationship with the health and social care service

Partnership relationship in the health and social care practice is hereby effective for developing an effective team with positive cooperation and communication where working in partnership is the bets practice to deliver high quality care ad support to the individuals admitted in the hospitals (Robert et al., 2015). In the St. Helena Hospitals, the health and social care professionals try to follow the philosophies of partnership and it is beneficial for them to improve engagement with the patients and respect their decision at the workplace, developing partnership working practice as well as creating patient’s centred care at the St. Helena Hospital can also be possible through following the philosophies of partnership working where all the team members social workers, nurses, doctors, physicians, specialist diabetic, therapist, physio therapist, support agencies, pharmacists and other staff men’s are collaborating and communicating for working in partnership so that the aim of maximising patient’s care and safety can be fulfilled in the St. Helena Hospital.

Understanding the positive partnership Working with the users of services, professionals and the organisations in health and social care service

Models of partnership working

Unified model, Co-ordinated model and Hybrid model are the three models of partnership working practice through which it is posisbel for the health and social care professionals can develop suitable working practice through cooperation, communication and integration. As per the unified model, the care professionals are cooperating and communicating with each other for better outcomes of the patients and they do not have enough time for creativity and innovation (Smith, Swallow, and Coyne, 2015). It is effective for the case of St. Helena Hospital where integration among the workers is required in the general ward of the hospital where all the patients can get better care and support from their respective health and social care professionals. On the other hand, under the coordinated model of partnership working practice, the health and social care professionals try to share their roles and responsibilities and develop integrated working practice at the workplace of the hospital (Cook, Mulherin and Seditas, 2015). Informed choice, sharing information and integrated decision-making practice are benefits of this model and it is therefore helpful for the St. Helena Hospital where coordination among the team member can develop better outcomes for the patients by creating values for them through providing the best treatment and quality care to the as per their needs and preferences. As per the Hybrid model of partnership working, cooperation, information sharing, respecting each other, empowerment, shared decision making, and autonomy are the strategies for developing an effective team where the team members are looking for working with others through sharing information and experience and enhance creativity and innovation for treating the patients with the best treatment and quality care (Millar, Chambers and Giles, 2016). This model would also be beneficial for the St. Helena Hospital where it is posisbel for the team members, nurses, practitioners and health care professionals as well as doctors and physicians to collaborate with each other and maximise the goal of the hospital of providing patient safety and quality care.

Reviewing current legislations and organisational practices and policies for partnership working

There are several legislative structure and code of conduct which provide in depth structure and codes of developing effective partnership working practice for delivering efficient care and services to the service users. it helps to enhance wellbeing of the social communities as well as deliver high quality care and support to the patients who can mitigate their health issues an improve their standard of living (Slade, 2017). The legislation health and Social care Act 2012 provides proper rules of maintaining the proper emergency care, learning disability service, general Physician service, mental health service, and community health service. on the other hand, Data Protection Act 1998 is effective to protect the personal data and information of the patients in the hospital (Rycroft-Malone et al., 2015). In case of St. Helena Hospital, it is posisbel to protect the data of the patients safely and build trust and loyalty where the patients feel free to share their medical difficulties, previous health records, problems in their health condition and other personal information. Additionally, The Mental health capacity Act 2005 is also beneficial where the health and social care professionals are effective to understand the metal illness of the patients as well as other disorders related to health which enhance the diagnosis practice and empower the patients in decision making practice. National Health Service and Community care Act 1990 is effective in this case, for developing suitable organisational culture for enhancing the practice of working in partnership where all the health and social care professionals follow the guidelines to improve the quality of care and deliver proper treatment and support to the individuals. Equality Act 2010 is also effective in this context, where it is necessary for the practitioners in St. Helena Hospital to develop suitable organisational culture through maintaining transparency and accountability where they ensure that equality being managed by treating all the patients fairly. this is effective for creating values for the social communities as a whole.

Explaining differences in working practice and policies

There are differences in legislative practice at the St, Helena Hospital where the health and social care professionals follow different technique for working in the hospital to create values for the patients. The professionals have different working practice, priority task, diversified knowledge and information sharing technique which may raise difficulties to collaborate with each other. The above-mentioned code of conduct and legislative structure are useful in this regard to mitigate the differences and develop a culture of working in partnership successfully. Different ideas and knowledge in different filed of the professionals in turn raise internal conflicts leading to confusion, internal resistance to change and inefficiency which may deteriorate the quality of care and patient’s safety (Pomey et al., 2015). In this regard the health and social care professionals need to share information and experience to improve cooperation so that it is posisbel to follow the philosophies of working in partnership and implement legislations to provide the best care and treatment to the patients (Pomey et al., 2015).

Evaluating the outcomes of partnership working for the users of services, professionals and the organisations in the health and social care

Evaluating possible outcomes of partnership working

The partnership working practice is beneficial for all the service users, health and social care professionals as well as for the organisation where quality of care and efficiency of treatment can be maintained well (Nelson et al., 2016). In this particular case, there are many patients admitted in the St. Helena Hospital with different health issues such as cardiovascular accidents like Stroke, heart attacks hypo and hyper glycaemic attacks and asthma attack and it is beneficial for the service users to mitigate their health issue through proper medication and treatment as well as care and support from the social workers. The service users can live a normal life like others by reducing their illness and improve their well-being. Inter personal trust and loyalty can be built between the service users and the health care professionals through working in partnership. On the other hand, the health and social care professionals are also beneficial through such practice of partnership working where the professionals are successful in delivering high quality treatment and care to the service users proficiently. High performnace and interdependence outcome of the professionals are beneficial for the service users in St, Helena Hospital to mitigate their health issues. High cooperation and communication among the professionals are beneficial to enhance their performnace at the St, Helena Hospital which in turn helps them to diagnose the patients efficiently and provide the best possible care and treatment after proper acknowledgement of the patient’s health needs and their preferences. Additionally, the organisation St, Helena Hospital is also beneficial for such practice of working in partnership where it is helpful to utilise the organisational resources and capabilities to enhance the outcome of the hospital. Moreover, the organisational reputation and trust and loyalty with the patients can be improved in the society. Positive organisational culture, suitable working practice and profitability are also the positive outcomes of the practice of partnership working for the organisation St, Helena Hospital.

Analysing potential barriers of partnership working

There are potential barriers in developing partnership working practice in the organisation St, Helena Hospital and lack of communication is one of them. lack of proper communication and poor interaction are the major barrier of the partnership working where the health and social care professionals and also the patients cannot communicate with each other which leads to wrong treatment, lack of support and misunderstanding with the family of the patients (Ocloo and Matthews, 2016). Poor cooperation is another barrier where the professionals cannot collaborate which worsen the organisational culture of St, Helena Hospital as it is elderly general ward and there need proper cooperation for team work and partnership working. additionally, lack of empowerment of the patients in the organisational decision-making practice is also another barrier for which trust and loyalty as well as proper relationship cannot be built. for his barrier, the professionals fail to identify the actual needs and preferences of the patients which in turn deteriorate the quality of care and poor treatment due to lack of communication, empowerment and non-cooperation. poor leadership practice, lack of information sharing, and lack of trust and loyalty are other briers for which the health and social care professionals fail to develop proper organisational culture of partnership working. without information sharing and collaboration, the practitioners cannot share their experience and working as a team in the St, Helena Hospital which further reduce the values of the organisation and quality of care for the patients.

Devising strategies to improve outcome for partnership working

In order to mitigate the by mentioned barriers in developing the partnership working, it is necessary to develop proper strategic planning so that the health and social care professionals of St, Helena Hospital can provide effective treatment as well as quality care and support to the individuals admitted in the hospital. Maintaining transparency and accountability is necessary in the St, Helena Hospital where all the patients are treated fairly and additionally, the health and social care professionals need to empower all the patients to understand their actual needs and preferences. It is necessary for all the patients to express their needs and improve trust and loyalty in the St, Helena Hospital. moreover, cooperation and interdependence need to be improved for information sharing and, in this regard, technological upgradation also needs to be implemented. in this regard, the health and service care professionals and managers of St, Helena Hospital need to implement Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for enhancing communication and increase investment in the technology of the organisation St, Helena Hospital for providing better treatment. Partnership working needs cooperation and communication and, in this regard, positive respect to each other, attending general meeting and open communication are required for sharing their experience with each other. trust and loyalty at the workplace as well as positive organisational culture are effective to develop partnership working practice at the St, Helena Hospital.


Partnership working is hereby efficient to create positive working culture and develop effective planning and create values for all the patients in the health and social care service so that they can imporve their wellbeing and lie a normal life successfully. The code of conduct and legislative structure of working in partnership are also effective to influence the staff members to develop an effective team for working in a partnership basis for enhancing communication, cooperation and proficiency to serve the patients efficiently. In this regard, the strategic recommendations of improving involvement with the patients, enhancing communication, empowerment in the decision-making practice, cooperation and interdependency and building trust and loyalty would be beneficial for the service providers to create values for the patient in the St. Helena Hospital.

Reference List

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