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In the nursing dissertation, the methodology section is a major part to be written appropriately to indicate the techniques and approaches to be used in gathering information for the topic. As a researcher, you are required to have effective skills and experience in writing the different methodologies for nursing research paper writing. This is because in writing the methodology, while you are required to explain the reason for the choice of one method you are also required to inform the reason of reject of other methods to be used in writing the dissertation. You cannot be vaguely descriptive about the choice of the methodology in the dissertation due to which enhanced critical knowledge regarding each method to be mentioned is required.
Here, I am sharing a few tips on the way to construct a methodology for any nursing dissertation writing to provide you with an idea of the skills and knowledge to be present in writing the methodology section of the paper effectively.
To start writing the methodology in the nursing dissertation, you are to understand the problem to be focussed on in the study. The methodology is to especially follow the ideas in the literature review to reason for the choice followed. It is essential to recap the central research question for the dissertation writing.
The methodology of the nursing dissertation is to be written with a reproducibility approach which is ensuring the approaches mentioned to be followed always produce the same results. It is the hallmark of any scientific research to ensure appropriate processes are followed in writing the paper. The use of both credibility and reliability in producing the methodology for the nursing dissertation is to be followed. A detailed description of each of the techniques used is to be provided in the dissertation. The strength and limitations of each approach and design are also to be mentioned in writing the methodology.
The handling approach is an effective factor in supporting the writing of the methodology section of the dissertation. According to the approach, you are required to provide an overview regarding the design used in executing the secondary or primary research in the dissertation. After you have perfectly identified the methods required to be used, you are to present the rationale for each of them. You are to present detailed justifications regarding the way each of the selected approaches and designs is to be used especially in executing the study. You are to avoid sending any ambiguous signals to the reader regarding the implication of the methodology as it would lead the reader to fail to understand the way the selected methods are specifically implemented in the study.
The methodological approach and the different techniques to be used are to be mentioned. You are to mention while using the quantitative methods that you approach to measure and categorise facts to be presented in numerical format. In using the qualitative method, you are required to ensure that you explain descriptive phenomena and are focused on gathering facts. In the case of using mixed methods, you are to mention the way both qualitative and quantitative methods are intended to be used in framing the study. The approaches are to be selected by critically reviewing the ontology and epistemology of the research methodology used in the nursing dissertation.
After mentioning the methodological approach, you are required to mention in detail the approaches to be used in data collection for the topic. It is essential as highlights the processes or tools to be used in gathering potential data for the study. The three most frequently used quantitative methods for gathering data are surveys, experiments, and existing data. The survey involves the gathering of objective information from the recruited subjects based on the questionnaire.
The experimentation involves using scientific techniques in understanding the impact of certain health conditions on the patients. The qualitative methods are interviews, observation, and others. The interview is gathering detailed attitudes, feelings, thoughts, opinions, and others regarding the study topic from the subjects. The observation is gathering descriptive ideas regarding the actions of the subjects.
After the data collection process, the methodology of the nursing dissertation is to write the steps to be followed in executing data analysis. This is important to present the way the researcher wishes to process and evaluate the gathered data to present detailed information which is related to resolving the problem and meeting the aim. Regarding quantitative research methods, you are required to determine the statistical tools and techniques to be used in analysing the gathered numbers and the way to present them.
The best tool to be used in the process is SPSS along with other statistical techniques like t-test, logistic regression, p-value, and others. The gathered numerical information is to be presented in tabular formation while analysing them. Regarding the qualitative method, you are required to perform a content analysis of the views and opinions presented by the subjects. You are to code their responses and categorise them according to developed themes to ensure no duplication of data occurs which would lower the quality of the study.
After the data analysis part is over, focus on presenting the way you are considering to maintain validity and reliability. They are an essential part of nursing dissertation methodology because validity ensures that the methods used in the research are accurate and the results developed by using them correspond to the real-life experiences regarding the study topic. However, reliability ensures the data developed are replicable and accurate in answering the raised queries in the study. The failure to maintain reliability and validity would indicate an error in the presentation of data which is incapable of realistically resolving the raised issues in the study.
The dissertation methodology is to include ethical considerations in the end. This is essential to inform the way legal and moral principles are followed in executing the study and above mentioned few tips will help to construct a good methodology for a nursing dissertation.
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